TMS Rubber is a globally recognized designer, producer and provider of IRIS-approved (to-be soon certified) anti-vibration suspension solutions for railway applications. Our comprehensive range of services offers flexible, high quality, competitive prices and individually tailored solutions. Our service experts are happy to work together with you on fast, reliable solutions throughout the full lifecycle of your trains. Our portfolio includes products for trams, metros, subways and suburban railways as well as standard railway trains for use in regional and long-distance travel. We also produce systems for high-speed trains as well as for special vehicles such as monorails. Our product range includes all rubber and rubber-metal anti-vibration components used on primary and secondary suspension of the bogie.

Motor Bearing
Stop Buffer
Shock Absorbers
Rubber Block
Rubber Block
Layer Springs
Rubber Bushes
Control Links
Control Links
Chevron Springs
Rubber Ring V60
Rubber Ring V60
Resilient Wheel Peds
Resilient Wheel Peds
Layer Springs
Rubber Springs
Isolator Mounting
Spherical Bearings
Elastic Seat 2
Elastic Seat
Axel Box Elastic Element